In Culture

Our logo is not our brand

Our new logo is more than a bold and brightly coloured icon and typography! Its meaning is awesome, which you’ll learn shortly. But our logo is not our brand.

Prudence Rehab Rebrand

The common problem that forced us to rebrand

18 months ago we started to recognise a common problem for businesses our size. We had outgrown our brand! It no longer aligned with who we are and where we’re going. We didn’t know exactly how we’d solve it, or what it would end up meaning to us.

Prudence Rehab Before & After Rebrand

The problem was deeper than we thought

While we felt a rebrand was due, it wasn’t until working with Sponge (our branding agency) that we understood the depth of our problem. Our brand identity no longer aligned with where we were heading. Worse yet, our culture code and how we communicated were grossly misrepresenting us in the market.

It was time to get crystal clear on our brand foundations, with a focus on our culture code and how we communicate it. We wanted to ensure sustainable growth and continuing great outcomes for our clients.

The way we solved it

We’ve always been practical and inclusive when it comes to strategy. So at our last teamwide strategy day, we focused on culture realignment. With the help of Sponge we were able to explore who we are, who we want to be, and the positive changes we want for the world.

Prudence Rehab Strategy Day

The journey of discovery extended beyond this day. There was work leading up to it and after. We gathered insights from the team, partners, clients and advisors. All this work led to the redefining and articulation of our culture code.

We’ve now got a purpose statement we love, an impact model that excites us and empowers us to do good in the world, and a values set that guides and unites us.

With this new clarity it made sense to refresh our brand to embody the newly realigned brand. The rebrand includes a new brand identity, communications framework, and of course, an awesome new website.

Our purpose redefined

This was the last element of our brand to fall into place. Defining a purpose statement is hard! And after much reflection and discussion we landed on this: Help people get back to their purpose

Prudence Rehab New Purpose

It’s in our DNA to care! So regardless of the relationship, everyone ought to have the right support for what could be the most difficult time in their life.

While the injured person is at the heart of the work we do, employers and insurers equally need the right support where they’re not the experts. It’s why we go above and beyond. And why we are trusted by our clients.

Our purpose beautifully covers the work we do, the way we do it, and our newly defined impact model.

Values and context

With input from our entire team, and guidance from Sponge, we have five well defined values. The first value, Health at Work, being our guiding principle.

These values are how we intend to show up in the world, what we expect from each other, and what you can expect from us.

As a team we toiled over what each value means to us and were selective about the words we’ve used to contextualise them.

Bold Health at Work

Optimal health & wellbeing at work is our business and we practice what we preach. We proactively promote this through team initiatives, and by honoring individuality in self care. Holistic health means physical, mental and spiritual well-being, and a healthy work life balance is fundamental for high performance.

Defining Excellence

Going above and beyond is in our DNA. We constantly redefine the gold standard for our industry and ourselves. Our processes and relentless upskilling enable us to continually increase the efficiency and performance our partners rely on us for. We choose quality over quantity every time, maintaining a healthy workload that aligns to our specialties and strengths.

Unquenchable Thirst

We are the leading experts in our fields and strive to stay on the cutting edge. Learning every day, we share knowledge and new ideas and keep an open mind. We listen intently, are hungry for feedback and continuously examine what we do and how we do it, rejecting complacency and always seeking the better way to deliver the highest quality outcomes we seek.

Thriving Team

We make a difference in other’s lives, at work and in the community. We thrive as a team because we are fulfilled as individuals. Like a family, we care deeply about each other, recognising and celebrating our strengths, experience and achievements. Personal and professional goals are nurtured with positive constructive feedback, mentoring and regular peer reviews.

We Own It

Together we work towards a shared purpose. We own our responsibilities, honour our word and trust the same of our teammates. Honest, compassionate and transparent communication is our backbone. We openly share our ideas, thoughts and feelings, owning opportunities to collaborate, and confident our team has our back.

Do Good, Feel Good! Our Impact!

It’s in our DNA as health care professionals to care! As soon as we were able to as a company, we’ve given our team the opportunity to do good in their local communities during paid work hours.

But we didn’t think much about it, other than it being the natural thing to do. As such, we hadn’t formalised it, or thought about measuring the impact we were creating.

Again, the wise guidance of Sponge (who live and breathe positive impact), helped us define our model. We’ve now committed to quarterly Community Support Days! As a team we spend a day with an organisation who needs help, both as volunteers and as allied health experts.

We cherish our Community Support Days. It’s a way for our team to leverage their energy and allied health skills outside the business to have a positive impact.

You’re invited to nominate a worthy organisation for us to support. And heck, come and spend the day with us when we go. Visit our impact page for more information.

What our new brand identity means

We needed a brand that captured this culture of ours. It needed to be bold, approachable, and energetic. And it needed to be as distinct as we are.

Brand Mark Rationale

The top shape of the icon represents the injured person embraced with care and returned to work or life, onwards and upwards. It symbolizes the partnership of our team member and the organisation responsible for the injured party.

The cradle element beneath it is the entire Prudence Rehab culture and expertise that supports the journey.

Prudence Rehab Rebrand

The typeface is the perfect compliment in stance, weight and formation. Bold, vibrant, yet very approachable. It portrays modern service and confidence.

Prudence Rehab Brand Colours

We’ve elected for colours with meaning. A rich blue that screams the trust our clients place in our expertise. And a vibrant pink that embodies the energy and care we bring to every case.

Prudence Rehab Brand Collateral

Our brand collateral carries this energy forward. Splashes of colour, lots of air, lots of energy. We want all who encounter us to feel good.

An arsekicker of a website

Our old website was a bore! It was indistinguishable from our peers, when we are anything but. Naturally that needed to be changed.

We want to make a statement on par with our brand. Care is in our DNA, regardless of the relationships! And that has to ooze from every word and every pixel of our website.

Prudence Rehab Website Boardroom Scene

The images are all 3D rendered scenes that represent aspects of our culture, workspaces and tools we use. Our design team developed a playful style to tell these stories.

The language we’ve opted for is simple, empathetic and respectful. We’ve left the industry jargon on the cutting room floor and focused on letting you know we can help. We know you know that stuff anyway.

Prudence Rehab Album Scene

We are fiercely protective of our culture and want to attract those who share our passion for care. Our intention is for this to be blindingly obvious through the website. We are culture first!

A massive thanks and warm invitation

We’re grateful for all those who helped throughout this journey. A big shout out of thanks to each team member who committed to the course and shared their perspective.

We owe a debt of thanks to our amazing clients and confidants who helped us see ourselves from different viewpoints. These insights have been invaluable. Our hope is that you love our new brand as much as we do.

For those who our brand is resonating with that we haven’t yet had the pleasure of meeting, a warm hello!

We invite you to join us on our quest to help people get back to their purpose. Explore our website, and get in touch. Let’s talk 🙂